The North Carolina Arts Council’s Arts in Communities team collaborates with arts councils and community arts partners across all 100 counties to develop and maintain innovative arts programs. The Vance County Arts Council serves as your local resource for this grant program. Applications for the fiscal year 2024 – 2025 are now available.

Grassroots funds may be used to support high-quality arts programs that a
Grassroots partner conducts in its county or for local programs funded through
subgrants to other arts organizations.

Examples of arts programs that are commonly supported with Grassroots funds
• Performances
• Festivals
• Art exhibitions
• Arts camps and after-school programs
• Artist residencies for schools
• Artist fees for classes and workshops
• Website development
• Research
• Marketing expenses for art walks and studio tours
• Royalties, props, sets, and costumes for theater performances
• Equipment rental

    Deliver your forms back to us at the Vance County Arts Council, not to the State Arts Council!

    Grassroots Arts Program money may NOT be used for the following kinds of expenditures:
    • Art, music, and dance therapists*
    • Artifacts
    • Purchases of artwork
    • Capital expenditures**
    • Contingency funds
    • Deficit reduction
    • Fundraising events
    • Food or beverages for hospitality or entertainment functions
    • School band activities or equipment
    • School choral activities
    • Lobbying expenses
    • Oral history and history projects***
    • Tuition for academic study
    • Interest on loans, fines, or litigation costs

    * Art, music and dance therapists conducting a therapeutic program cannot be funded. However, qualified artists conducting an arts program in a health care setting may be supported with Grassroots funds.

    ** Capital expenditures include expenses for purchase of buildings or real estate; renovations or improvements involving structural changes; payments for roads, driveways, or parking lots; or permanent and generally immobile equipment such as grid systems or central air conditioning. Capital expenditures include acquisitions, which are expenses for additions to a collection of art.

    ***Oral history and history projects are not eligible for Grassroots funds. However, folklife documentation of traditional arts, including the creation of interviews, photography, videography, and other documentary media, is eligible for support through the Grassroots Arts Program.